Metabolism saboteurs: 5 products to avoid

For a positive impact on weight loss, a normal metabolism, or more specifically, an accelerated metabolism, is crucial. However, some foods have the opposite effect. To boost metabolism in the long term, it is advisable to avoid five specific products. Details on these products are provided by Fit or Fun.
Let's start with a controversial food – soy. Many consider soy to be a practically lifesaving source of protein, and there is no doubt that it provides essential nutrients.
However, excessive consumption can affect the thyroid gland in some individuals, but only if there is a thyroid condition.
It is recommended to consume certified organic and fermented soy products, such as tempeh.
Nutrient-free items: flour, pasta, white bread
White flour, predominantly used in pasta and bread, provides almost no nutritional value that could stimulate metabolic processes.
Result: metabolism turns into an energy-saving mode. Gluten, starch, and phytic acid present in refined grains create an additional burden on the body.
Metabolism slowdown: alcohol
Whether it's beer, wine, or sparkling wine, alcoholic beverages slow down metabolism and, therefore, fat burning, inhibiting digestive enzymes and blocking further digestion processes. This means that fat accumulates in cells.
At the same time, alcohol suppresses the production of growth hormone testosterone. Especially if you are trying to build muscle mass, alcohol consumption is counterproductive.
Induces a craving for sweets
A familiar issue when it comes to metabolism is the rapid fluctuation of insulin levels caused by sugar, putting a significant strain on the pancreas that releases insulin.
During this time, the body neglects metabolism. However, a vicious cycle has already begun: after a sugar rush, the pancreas often works so intensively that it exceeds the planned norm, leading to hypoglycemia later.
Result: poor concentration, decreased productivity, and another craving.
Non-alcoholic drinks
It's not surprising that carbonated and energy drinks slow down metabolism. They are loaded with sugar, and as known, refined sugar hinders fat burning and promotes the deposition of excess carbohydrates in fat depots.
Simultaneously, sweet drinks trigger a strong appetite or even a craving for food, as blood sugar levels rise too quickly and then drop again.
A study by the USDA found that even a high-protein diet reduces fat burning when consuming carbonated drinks with meals.
"We were surprised by how significant the impact of sweet drinks on metabolism is when combined with a protein-rich diet. About a third of the additional calories from these drinks were not burned, and the body also required less energy to digest food," says scientist Shanon Casperson.
Conclusion: It's better to completely eliminate sweet drinks from your diet.
To counteract these effects and boost metabolism:
- Drink a glass of grapefruit or lemon water in the morning.
- Consume one or two cups of green tea, known to accelerate metabolism.
- Stay hydrated with at least two liters of water and unsweetened tea daily.
- Spice up your meals with chili pepper, cinnamon, or ginger.
- Ensure adequate protein intake in your diet.
- Include strength training in your exercise routine to build muscle mass, as more muscles result in more fat burned at rest.
- Prioritize quality sleep of at least seven to eight hours.
Earlier, we wrote about how to burn calories even during rest.
And we also talked about how to lose weight without going to the gym.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.