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Massive strike on Kharkiv: Current details and photos of aftermath

Massive strike on Kharkiv: Current details and photos of aftermath Photo: Rescuers eliminate the consequences of the shelling of Kharkiv (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Today, on May 14, the Russian forces attacked the center of Kharkiv in the afternoon. A multi-story building was hit.

For more details about the consequences of the attack and photos, see the material of RBC-Ukraine below.

Sources: publications of the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov, Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the Nakypilo publication.

Aftermath of the strike

According to the State Emergency Service, the Russian army struck residential areas of Kharkiv with missiles and aerial bombs.

Aircraft munitions hit a 20-story building, causing damage. There were also fires in a garage cooperative on an area of 80 square meters and grass burning.
According to the latest data from the prosecutor's office, 20 civilians were injured in the attack. Among them are six men, 11 women and three children - two girls aged 12 and 8, and a 12-year-old boy.

At least 20 residential and non-residential buildings were also damaged, including a shopping center, an educational institution, and a store.

According to preliminary information, the Russian army used UMPB D-30 (unified multi-purpose gliding bombs, 30 cm caliber) munitions for the attack.

As a result of the Russian attack on Kharkiv, 21 people were injured - seven men, 11 women and three children.

Photos of the aftermath

The photos of the Russian attack were shown by the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, and the Ukrainian ombudsman, Dmytro Lubinets.

Photo: aftermath of the strike on Kharkiv

The consequences can also be seen in photos from the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office and local media.

Photo: a multi-story building was damaged as a result of shelling in Kharkiv

What preceded it

This afternoon, explosions were heard in Kharkiv. Before that, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine warned of the launch of Russian guided aerial bombs towards the Kharkiv region.

Later, local authorities reported that a residential area was under attack. In particular, the enemy struck a multi-story building.