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Massive fraud and fights erupt at Georgia's parliamentary polls

Massive fraud and fights erupt at Georgia's parliamentary polls Photo: Fights and massive ballot box stuffing are reported during the elections in Georgia (flickr by JRope)

Mass falsifications and initial fights have been reported during the parliamentary elections in Georgia. Observers also noted cases of multiple ballots being issued to a single voter, according to Georgia Online.

Mass ballot stuffing was recorded at polling station No. 69 in the Marneuli district. In a video published online, a man throws a stack of ballots into the ballot box. The offender could be the deputy head of Marneuli.

According to the Central Election Commission head, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has opened a criminal case. Voting at this station has been suspended, and the commission is required to hold a meeting.

Observers also reported widespread cases of multiple ballots being issued to one voter. In Marneuli, an observer from the My Voice organization was attacked.

Additionally, footage of an incident in Zugdidi surfaced, where a representative of the ruling party, Georgian Dream, Giorgi Jikia, attacked observers at one of the polling stations.

In the village of Didvela in the Baghdati municipality, a man stormed a polling station and smashed several electronic voting devices.

Elections in Georgia

Today, October 26, Georgians are holding parliamentary elections. They must elect 150 deputies. Parties that receive at least 5% of the votes will pass.

The main competition is between the pro-Russian Georgian Dream and opposition parties oriented towards Europe.

The elections in Georgia are being described as "decisive" and the most tense in recent years. Essentially, Georgians will choose the country's course—pro-European or pro-Russian—since the party that secures the majority of votes will form the government and determine domestic and foreign policy for the next four years.

For more details about the elections in Georgia and whether a revolution could occur in the country, see the material from RBC-Ukraine.