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Making shawarma healthier: Tips from nutrition expert

Making shawarma healthier: Tips from nutrition expert The best and worst ingredients in shawarma (Photo:

Shawarma is one of the most popular street foods from Middle Eastern countries. It has long been recognized and loved by many. But is it a healthy dish?

More pros and cons of considering shawarma are in the article below.

Is shawarma a healthy dish

Dietitian Rob Hobson fully defends this fast food.

"It contains meat and vegetables, so it's completely healthy," says the expert.

People find shawarma incredibly tasty and suitable for various occasions, says Rob Hobson, a nutrition expert.

Shawarma is a very versatile dish. It is enjoyed by entire families, fans after matches, students, and people returning from night parties.

"Let's start with the fact that it's an Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, which is generally healthy - there are plenty of grains, lean cuts of meat, lots of vegetables, and so on," said the dietitian.

Choosing the right shawarma

This street food can be healthy, but a lot depends on your choices.

You just need to pay more attention to the details. Fatty meat, lots of salt in spices, sauces, and marinades, plus fries and flatbread - a caloric bomb also unsuitable for blood pressure.

Choose shawarma with chicken meat, such as diced grilled chicken, rather than doner.

Eat whole-grain bread or flatbread to get a bit more fiber.

Look for tomato-based sauces, like salsa, and instead of thick mayonnaise sauce, ask for yogurt-based sauce.

Always choose vegetables and salads as fillings, such as spicy green peppers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, and more.

Add rice or couscous instead of fries, or skip the flatbread altogether.

Traditional Turkish shawarma is very healthy and nutritious, fully adhering to the principles of healthy eating.

Previously, a dietitian discussed the most important vitamin for wound healing and bone health.

Also, check out the seven healthy fruits and vegetables everyone should eat this summer.