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Main rules for washing dark clothes to keep black black

Main rules for washing dark clothes to keep black black How to wash black clothes in a washing machine and by hand (photo: screenshot

Black clothing looks elegant and stylish, but over time, it can lose its rich color. To keep clothes black for longer, it's important to follow certain washing rules.

Main rules for washing black clothes

Before washing, always check the label on the clothing, which indicates the optimal water temperature and care instructions. If the label is missing, follow the general rule: wash black clothes in water no warmer than 30-40°C. Delicate fabrics, such as silk, wool, or sportswear, require even cooler water — no higher than 30°C.

To avoid pilling and white marks, woolen and fluffy items should be washed separately. New black clothes may shed color, so it's best to wash them separately or with other dark items for the first few washes.

Always fasten buttons and zippers and turn clothes inside out to minimize fabric friction. If black clothes no longer bleed, they can be washed together with rich colors like dark green, burgundy, or blue.

Which detergent to choose

For washing black clothes, liquid detergents are best because they rinse out well and don't leave white residue. For delicate fabrics like cashmere or silk, it's recommended to choose special gels labeled for delicate fabrics. These contain softening agents, such as lanolin, which help maintain the softness of the fabric.

There are also special liquid detergents for black clothes that contain components that reduce pigment loss. It's important to avoid powdered detergents with bleach or harsh ingredients, as they can damage the color.

For stain removal, oxygen-based cleaners with sodium percarbonate are safe for black fabrics. Additionally, fabric softeners can be used, but for silk items, it's better to rinse them thoroughly in cool water.

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Black clothes can be easily damaged by improper washing (photo: screenshot

How to wash black clothes by hand

If the item requires gentle care, it's better to wash it by hand. Fill a basin with water no hotter than 30-40°C, add liquid detergent, and dissolve it. Place the items in the water, and if they are very dirty, leave them to soak for 10-20 minutes.

Gently wash the clothes with smooth motions, avoiding vigorous rubbing or twisting. Drain the water, pour in clean water, and rinse the clothes several times until the water runs clear. If needed, add fabric softener and repeat the rinsing.

Delicate items should be gently wrung by hand or left to drain naturally. Jeans can be hung by the waistband, and heavy items, such as jackets, should be laid flat to dry.

How to wash black clothes in a washing machine

Before loading the washing machine, separate clothes by fabric type. Woolen and delicate items should be washed separately from heavier fabrics to avoid deformation. Load the items so that they occupy no more than 2/3 of the drum to prevent excessive wrinkling.

Use the appropriate program, such as "Delicate wash," "Wool," or "Synthetics." Some machines have a special "Dark clothes" program that helps preserve the color.

If you're washing black clothes along with colored ones, choose the "Mixed wash" mode to reduce the risk of color transfer. The water temperature should not exceed 30-40°C, and the spin speed should be 400-600 rpm. For delicate fabrics, it’s best to turn off the spin function altogether.

After washing, remove the items from the drum. If they are still too wet, let the excess water drain or hang them for a while. Jeans can be hung on a hanger, and heavy jackets should be laid on a towel or draped over a rod to dry.

The following sources were used in writing the article: the websites Cleanipedia, Sante +, and Better Homes and Gardens.