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Macron urges Netanyahu to agree to ceasefire

Macron urges Netanyahu to agree to ceasefire Photo: French President Emmanuel Macron (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He urged him to halt attacks on the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, according to The Washington Post.

"Arms deliveries, the prolongation of the war in Gaza, and its extension to Lebanon cannot produce the security expected by Israelis and everyone in the region," Macron told Netanyahu, according to a readout from Élysée Palace.

He added that urgent and decisive efforts are necessary to develop the political solutions required for the security of Israel and the entire Middle East.

Macron also reiterated his assertion that Israel has the right to self-defense and stated that attacks against it must cease.

According to a report from Netanyahu's office, the Israeli prime minister told the French president that his ally should support Israel's fight against Hezbollah, Hamas, and their biggest supporter, presumably referring to Iran.

"It is expected that Israel’s friends stand behind it and not impose restrictions that would only strengthen the Iranian axis of evil," Netanyahu stated.

The Washington Post reminded that on Saturday, Macron, in an interview with a French radio station, called on countries to stop supplying weapons to Israel and expressed concern that Lebanese civilians could face the same fate as the Palestinians. He stated that Lebanon must not be allowed to become the new Gaza, referring to Israel's ground and aerial offensive in the Gaza Strip.

"The Lebanese people cannot, in turn, be sacrificed," he added.

Later that same day, Netanyahu said “Israel will win with or without their support, but their shame will continue long after the war is won.”

Recently, Macron said that the international community should avoid double standards regarding Ukraine and the Middle East wars.