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Macron responds to Russian strike on Ukraine resulting in French casualties

Macron responds to Russian strike on Ukraine resulting in French casualties French President Emmanuel Macron (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned the killing of French volunteers in Beryslav, Kherson region, who were killed in a Russian drone attack the day before, according to Le Monde.

Macron expresses his condolences over the "cowardly and outrageous act".

"My thoughts are with their loved ones and wounded comrades. I express my solidarity with all the volunteers who are trying to help people," he says.

For his part, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne says that Russia must be held accountable for its crimes.

"Two French humanitarian workers paid for their commitment to Ukrainians with their lives. Three were injured. My thoughts are with them and their families. France supports them. Russia must be held accountable for its crimes," he says.

According to the agency, the two humanitarian workers who died in Beryslav were members of the organization Entraide Protestante Suisse, known by its German acronym EPER.

Russia kills French citizens

On February 1, Russian invaders attacked Beryslav in the Kherson region with drones. The attack killed two French citizens and injured three others.