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Latvia may introduce conscription for women - Defense Minister

Latvia may introduce conscription for women - Defense Minister Andris Sprūds, Minister of Defense of Latvia (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

In Latvia, authorities are considering introducing mandatory military service for women. The country's Ministry of Defense plans to discuss the details of this initiative with the public and the government, according to Latvia's Minister of Defense Andris Sprūds.

Sprūds expressed his support for mandatory military service for women, emphasizing that these changes would not be implemented immediately.

"Of course, it won't be today or tomorrow," he explained.

According to him, the most likely timeline for implementation is 2028. The Latvian Defense Minister added that around 4,000 individuals are expected to be drafted.

The minister stressed the importance of public discussion and achieving the political consensus necessary for the realization of this initiative.

"This is not just a matter for the coalition, it’s an issue for political parties, the parliament, and society as a whole," he stated.

Sprūds said that Latvia needs to complete many preparatory tasks to ensure the high quality of conscription service. He also mentioned that appropriate equipment, uniforms for women, and overall reserves, including weapons, need to be increased.

According to him, the Latvian National Armed Forces have already been given the relevant tasks.

Conscription in Latvia

Latvia currently has mandatory military service for men aged 18 to 27. The service lasts for 11 months, during which they undergo basic military training, and study the fundamentals of tactics, shooting, first aid, and other essential military skills.

Conscripts are provided with everything they need: uniforms, housing, and meals. They also receive financial compensation during their service.

As of 2024, women in Latvia can undergo military service voluntarily.

Earlier, it was reported that military exercises with NATO member armies will begin in Latvia in September.