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Latvia checks information on citizens' participation in war in Ukraine on Russian side

Latvia checks information on citizens' participation in war in Ukraine on Russian side Illustrative photo (
Author: Maria Kholina

Latvia is checking information about the possible participation of its citizens in the war in Ukraine on the side of Russia, according to Delfi.

Latvia's State Security Service has initiated an investigation into the alleged unlawful involvement of several individuals in the war in Ukraine on the side of the Russian armed forces.

A video has surfaced online showing two men in military uniforms and masks. On the table in front of them were boxes containing items resembling thermal imagers.

One of the men said "good evening" in Latvian and continued in Russian: "Military internationalists from the Baltics express gratitude to 'Makarich,' the Ryazan movement 'Svoi,' and sponsors for providing thermal imagers, and we hope for a growing anti-fascist trend, ready to assist on the front lines."

The second man in the video spoke in Latvian, saying: "Thank you very much, friends."

On February 19, 2015, amendments to the Criminal Code came into force, prohibiting unlawful participation in armed conflicts abroad.

Latvia's stance on Russia amid war in Ukraine

Latvia takes a firm stance against Russia, condemning the country for its military aggression against Ukraine and calling for strengthened sanctions against Moscow.

During the voting in the "presidential elections" at the territory of the Russian embassy in Riga, the police checked documents of 1001 individuals. Some of them were decided to be expelled from the country.

Additionally, a diplomat from the Russian embassy in Latvia has been added to the list of undesirable persons whose presence in the country is unwelcome.