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Latvia bans import of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus

Latvia bans import of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus lustrative photo (Getty Images)

Today, February 22, the Parliament of Latvia voted to ban the import of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus, reports Delfi .

When ban will take effect

The law prohibits the importation or import of agricultural and fodder products into Latvia from Russia and Belarus, in particular, if the products of these countries are imported into Latvia from other third countries.

The law will enter into force after it is signed by the president.

The amendments provide that the ban will be in effect until July 1, 2025, and in the future, if necessary, it can be extended. The annotation to the draft law does not explain in detail the definition of the prohibition period, but probably mentions a specific date so that the law also complies with the principle of proportionality of the legal field.

Russia should not receive additional income

The annotation to the amendments explains that Latvia, as a country bordering Russia, is moving to break economic ties with the aggressor country as soon as possible in order to protect its security. Latvia's initiative is an additional element of the general sanctions policy of the European Union.

"Latvia must do everything possible to preserve peace and international security. Latvia will support Ukraine until its victory over Russia," the message reads.

The changes are aimed at preventing the state budgets of the aggressor countries and the enterprises of these countries from obtaining additional profits from the export of their products to Latvia, thereby contributing to the possibility of the continuation of the war in Ukraine.

Which products will be banned

Agricultural and fodder products within the meaning of this law are products of agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing, as well as products of the first stage of processing directly related to such products.

The law states that the government will have to issue regulations that will determine which agricultural and feed products will be prohibited from being imported into Latvia.

The ban will apply to the release of products into free circulation, except for the release into free circulation to deliver products to a recipient in another EU member state with exemption from value-added tax.

The ban applies to imports for processing, with the exception of imports for processing with the purpose of destroying products, as well as imports for final consumption.

Sanctions against Russia

UK has announced the introduction of more than 50 new sanctions against individuals and legal entities that support Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's illegal war in Ukraine.

The Council of the EU also extended the sanctions against Russia for the occupation of some territories of Ukraine not controlled by the government. The sanctions will be in effect until February 25, 2025.

Yesterday it became known that the ambassadors of the European Union approved a new package of sanctions against Russia.