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Know these 7 effects of whole grain bread before you eat it

Know these 7 effects of whole grain bread before you eat it What you need to know about whole grain bread (photo: Freepik)

Bread has gained a poor reputation among dieticians, but in reality, it serves as a good source of carbohydrates and macroelements, especially when it comes to whole grain options. Of course, it shouldn't be overindulged in, but it's important to understand the benefits it can provide to the body, informs the website Eat This, Not That.

Increase in fiber consumption

One slice of 100% whole grain bread can contain from 2 to 4 grams of fiber. Adults should consume 14 grams of fiber per 1000 calories consumed or 28 grams on a 2000-calorie diet. Fiber intake is associated with improved digestion, gut health, heart health, and cancer prevention. And these are just some of the benefits of the product.

Consuming just two slices of whole grain bread per day can help you meet over 25% of your daily fiber needs.

Feel fuller

Whole grain bread includes the entire wheat grain, bran, germ, and endosperm. These elements are removed from refined grains (white bread), along with a large amount of fiber.

As it is a complex carbohydrate, your body needs more time to digest whole grain bread compared to white bread, slowing down the digestion process and helping you feel fuller for longer after eating.

Aids weight loss

Replacing refined grains with whole grain bread can help you lose or control weight. Observational studies have shown that consuming whole grains is inversely associated with BMI and the risk of weight gain. Eating such bread can reduce hunger and increase satiety.

Cohort studies have shown that higher intake of whole grains led to less weight gain compared to those consuming less whole grains.

Lowers cholesterol levels

Consuming whole grains, such as whole wheat, can increase cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. Whole grain bread helps limit cholesterol production in the liver and also limits the digestion and absorption of dietary cholesterol.

Studies have shown that adding four slices of whole grain bread daily for 12 weeks led to improvements in triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, "good" cholesterol, and hemoglobin A1C.

Normalizes blood sugar levels

Whole grain bread raises blood sugar levels, but its fiber is digested more slowly, leading to slower release of sugar into the blood.

Such bread may even protect against the development of type 2 diabetes over time. Several cohort studies found that participants who consumed the most whole grains had a 29% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those consuming the least.

Reduces cancer risk

While high consumption of refined grains is associated with a higher risk of cancer and stomach cancer, consuming whole grains may have a protective effect. Various studies have shown lower rates of colorectal, stomach, breast, pancreatic, prostate, and esophageal cancers.

Researchers found that those who consumed the most whole grains had a 27% lower risk of stomach cancer.

Improves digestion

Whole grain bread and other whole grains are a good source of insoluble fiber. This type of fiber improves bowel movements. Whole wheat also has a prebiotic effect on the body. When gut bacteria ferment the fiber from whole grain bread, important fatty acids are produced, which positively affect the gut microbiome and digestion.

While allergies to grains are extremely rare, if negative effects occur after consuming whole grain bread, it should be avoided.

Also, read about what to eat to maintain a healthy nervous system.

Previously, we wrote about the foods that trigger diabetes.

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