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Kherson under Russian attack again: two injured reported

Kherson under Russian attack again: two injured reported Russia once again shelled Kherson city today (GettyImages)

Russia once again shelled Kherson city today, and the Point of Invincibility, offering refuge and resilience, came under attack, resulting in two people being injured, as the head of the Kherson Regional State Administration Oleksandr Prokudin wrote on Telegram.

"The Russian army once again targeted residential areas," he wrote. The enemy's attack hit residential buildings, a medical facility, a service vehicle, as well as a city school where the Point of Invincibility was established.

According to preliminary information, two civilians were injured as a result of the shelling. "The men, aged 34 and 51, were hospitalized with burns to their limbs and faces," Prokudin added.

Shellings of Kherson and the region

A part of the Kherson region remains occupied by Russian forces. Therefore, despite the liberation of Kherson in November 2022, the city is constantly under artillery fire.

In the past 24 hours, three people have been injured. Furthermore, the Russian army recently targeted the Kherson region with banned incendiary ammunition. Kherson and the village of Antonivka were affected by the attack.