Keep ticks at bay during walks with these simple tips

With a notably warm winter, ticks may soon become more active outdoors.
What to do to avoid any parasite while walking, RBC-Ukraine will tell you, according to PrzyślijPrzepis.
Ticks carry dangerous bacteria
If you do not react in time, a close encounter with a tick can lead to serious illnesses, including neurological ones. Therefore, it is important to quickly remove the tick. The longer the tick stays attached, the greater the risk of developing erythema. This leads directly to problems with well-being.
In addition to carefully inspecting your body after each walk (especially the skin on the head, under the armpits, and other inconspicuous places that are easy to forget), attention should be paid to prevention.
What ticks don't like?
Scientists from Masaryk University in Brno conducted an interesting study. They decided to check which blood group attracts these harmful insects the most. So, 100 people with different blood groups were tested.
The experiment showed that people with blood group B are the least attractive to ticks (15% of cases). Ticks most often attached to people with blood group A. However, it should be remembered that the respondent group consisted of only 100 people. Thus, they may not be very representative, so the data can be considered as a guide and curiosity rather than confirmed and 100% certain data.
What do ticks dislike besides selected blood groups?
These parasites avoid certain odors. Before going to the forest, in addition to store-bought or pharmacy products, go to the kitchen. There you will find a wonderful spice that insects avoid.
How to protect yourself from ticks?
Take a piece of warm apple pie or a piece of cinnamon as a snack for a walk in the forest or park. Ticks cannot stand the smell of cinnamon. You can also make a tonic with water and cinnamon essential oil, but be careful here.
Cinnamon is a common allergen, so if the skin starts to itch or turn red after spraying with such a solution, it is better to avoid it. You can also rub a stick of cinnamon on a grater and put it in a bag, then put the bag in your pocket. The warmth of your body will help spread the aroma of cinnamon around you.
If you don't like the sharpness of cinnamon, you can choose lemongrass with its refreshing, intense aroma. It can be bought at large supermarkets. You can take a slightly crushed stem for a walk and use the rest for cooking, for example, poultry or fish broth.
Ticks also dislike the smell of sage, lavender, thyme, cloves, lemon balm, mint, eucalyptus, and rosemary.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.