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Karmic retribution to catch up with these zodiac signs this fall

Karmic retribution to catch up with these zodiac signs this fall Which zodiac signs will face the boomerang effect (photo:

This autumn may be a challenging time for representatives of four zodiac signs. The stars indicate that they will soon have to face the consequences of their own mistakes.


This autumn may be a time of reckoning for you. The events you've been trying so hard to escape will catch up with you. Additionally, karma might strike at your reputation. If you're not prepared for these challenges, work on remedying the situation by identifying the root of your failures - it's right in front of you.


In the coming months, your pursuit of perfection could lead you to a dead end. Karma has also decided to teach you a financial lesson. Avoid relying on chance or living day by day. Be ready for a test of resilience, and remember that you can overcome anything with true friends by your side. Together, you can withstand any karmic blow.


Soon, you may realize that your past is holding you back. Unresolved issues you've long ignored will resurface. Your stubbornness might become an obstacle to happiness, and karma will make you understand this. To soften the impact, start seeking compromises.


This autumn, you'll have to reflect on everything you've said about others behind their backs. The karmic blow, often referred to as the boomerang effect, could be painful. Many areas of your life may come under threat. However, you can turn the situation around. It's time to acknowledge your mistakes and gather the pieces.

Earlier, we mentioned that the universe will dramatically change the fate of four zodiac signs.

Additionally, it was recently revealed who will find their lifelong happiness by the end of this year.