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Japan wants to provide four Asian countries with maritime security to counter China

Japan wants to provide four Asian countries with maritime security to counter China Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Japan plans to provide long-term support to the maritime authority of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, in a move aimed at countering China's growing assertiveness in the South China Sea, according to NHK.

Japan's International Cooperation Agency will develop a 10-year support plan for these four countries, which the government views as top priorities for security.

In January, on-the-ground surveys were conducted in the Philippines and Indonesia, with similar events planned for Malaysia and Vietnam around April.

Japanese officials will discuss with each country the provision of drones, radar systems, patrol boats, and human resource development.

A detailed plan is expected to be prepared by March of next year.

China's threat in the South China Sea

China claims the right to control nearly all of the South China Sea.

Three years ago, Beijing passed a law allowing its coast guard to use force in the region, leading other countries to remain on high alert.

Masafumi Iida, a China expert at Japan's National Institute for Defense Studies, believes that strengthening the maritime security capabilities of these four countries will significantly help them counter China.

It was previously reported that China is militarizing islands built in the disputed area of the South China Sea.