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Israel eliminates commander of Hezbollah missile unit in Lebanon

Israel eliminates commander of Hezbollah missile unit in Lebanon Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Israeli military forces have announced a strike on Hezbollah warehouses in Lebanon, resulting in the elimination of a commander from the group's rocket unit, citing the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the monitoring group ASTRA.

It is reported that Israeli Air Force fighter jets targeted several Hezbollah weapons depots in the Bekaa Valley region of Lebanon. Secondary explosions were recorded, indicating a large quantity of weaponry at the sites that were hit.

"Hussein Ali Hussein, a terrorist in Hezbollah's Rocket and Missile Unit, was eliminated in southern Lebanon," the statement said.

Additionally, the IDF claims that a terrorist cell operating from Hezbollah's military structure in the Taybeh area was also eliminated by Israeli Air Force fighter jets.


Since the Hamas terrorist invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023, militants from the Lebanese radical Islamist movement Hezbollah have been striking northern Israel and have vowed to continue until a ceasefire agreement is reached.

In June, the militants' attacks intensified after Israel killed one of Hezbollah's commanders, prompting Hezbollah to respond with one of the largest rocket barrages.

In response, Israel's military command approved plans for an offensive into Lebanon. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz stated that in a full-scale war, the militants would be destroyed, and Lebanon would suffer greatly.

Iran's mission to the UN has warned that if Israel launches a full-scale attack on Lebanon, a devastating war would ensue. However, Tel Aviv has made it clear that such threats will not deter their intentions to strike Islamist forces.

Recently, US President Joe Biden proposed a three-phase deal aimed at bringing the conflicting sides to a lasting truce and securing the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners. However, negotiations between Israel and Hamas have reached an impasse.