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Israel confirms the release of two hostages

Israel confirms the release of two hostages Illustrative photo (photo: GettyImages)

The hostages held by Hamas are already in Israel. There, they will reunite with their families, according to the Times of Israel.

Former hostages Yocheved Lifshitz and Nurit Cooper have been transferred into the care of the Israel Defense Forces. They are heading to a hospital in Israel where they will reunite with their families, as stated in a statement from the Prime Minister's Office.

"The IDF and security forces did much work in the last days via all channels to bring about their release and overcome the many obstacles raised by Hamas," the statement said.

A White House advisor has also confirmed the information about their release.

HAMAS has released a video showing the transfer of the hostages, in which two women in matching purple robes are seen walking hand in hand with armed individuals wearing masks, who also offer them snacks and drinks. For most of the video, both women appear frightened.

Next, the video shows the pair heading to a car where someone in a Red Cross uniform is waiting for them. Shortly before the end of the propaganda video, Lifshitz returns to shake hands with one of the militants and then walks away.

It was previously known that two hostages were released, but there was no official confirmation.