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Israel claims Iran plans to assassinate Netanyahu

Israel claims Iran plans to assassinate Netanyahu Photo: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Israel announced Iran's plans to assassinate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In this regard, an Israeli businessman was arrested, according to ABC News.

According to preliminary reports, Israeli police and intelligence services accuse an Israeli businessman of illegally traveling to Iran twice via Turkey. During these trips, he allegedly met with intelligence representatives who were orchestrating potential plots from Tehran.

The individual in question is likely 73-year-old businessman Moti Mamman from Ashkelon. He reportedly discussed plans to attack:

  • Netanyahu
  • Defense Minister Yoav Galant
  • Shin Bet Chief Ronen Bar
  • Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

"The Israeli citizen demanded an advance payment of $1 million dollars before performing any action. Iranian agents refused his request and informed him they would contact him in the future," Shin Bet said.

The businessman reportedly received the equivalent of about $558,000 in euros for participating in meetings with Iranian intelligence officials. He was charged on September 19, 2024.

Conflict between Iran and Israel

On July 31, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was eliminated in Tehran. He had arrived in Iran to attend the inauguration of Iranian President Masoud Pazeshkian.

Iranian authorities immediately blamed Israeli intelligence services, claiming that a missile strike targeted the guesthouse where Haniyeh was staying.

At the same time, Western media, citing their sources, reported that Haniyeh died due to a bomb explosion that had been planted in the building months before the incident.

For more details on the elimination of the Hamas leader, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.