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Iranian threat to Israel: US officially on high alert

Iranian threat to Israel: US officially on high alert United States is on high alert due to a possible Iranian attack on Israel (Photo: Getty images)

The United States is on heightened alert due to a potential strike by Iran on targets in Israel, including American assets, according to Sky News.

Two unnamed American officials expressed concern that Iran may be planning to strike targets in Israel following a missile attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria.

According to the officials, Iran's potential actions are likely to target military or intelligence objectives rather than civilian ones.

Another US official, in a comment to CNN, indicated that Washington is also considering the possibility of an Iranian attack on American assets in the region, possibly within the week.

One of the officials stated that Washington warned Tehran against using the strike as a pretext for further escalation in the region or an attack on US facilities or personnel.

"We received a message from Iran following the strike in Damascus. In response, we made clear that we were not behind the strike," a government official told NBC News.

"We also warned Iran to not use the strike as a pretext to further escalate in the region or attack US facilities or personnel," he added.

Threat of war between Iran and Israel

On Monday, April 1, a missile strike was carried out on the capital of Syria, Damascus. As a result of the attack, the Iranian consulate building was destroyed. Thirteen people were killed, including senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

Iran officially blamed Israel for the attack and promised a "harsh" response. Israel has not commented on the event.

The CIA warned that within 48 hours, Iran may launch a military operation against Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that his country can defend itself and will act according to a simple principle: whoever attacks Israel or plans to attack will suffer.

Since yesterday, GPS has been blocked in Israel to disrupt possible missile and drone operations. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) also announced the suspension of all leave for soldiers serving in combat units.

For more details on the situation, see the RBC-Ukraine article.