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Iran's creation of nuclear weapons: What can precede

Iran's creation of nuclear weapons: What can precede Illustrative image (Getty Images)

A successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile would be an indicator that Iran is on the home stretch to developing nuclear weapons. Currently, Tehran has only intermediate-range missiles, according to RBC-Ukraine's article “On the brink of abyss: Will Iran build nuclear weapons and how to halt it".


The aforementioned intermediate-range missiles can reach, for example, Israel or even Europe.

“If they have nuclear weapons, that's bad, but Iran currently cannot strike US territory. However, if they have delivery systems, then it's a double problem. Iran will be able to use nuclear weapons as a deterrent against a US attack. So, it would be better for them to first develop delivery systems and then the warhead itself,” Gergiieva explains.

At the same time, Iran has had some success in this area. Back in the days of the Shah, before the Islamic Revolution, Iran began to develop its space program. Despite the sanctions, since 2009 Tehran has been successfully launching its satellites into orbit and even plans to send a man into space.

Currently, the most promising in this regard is the two-stage liquid-fueled Simorgh rocket. Iran describes it as designed to place satellites in low Earth orbit.

According to a February 2024 report by the US intelligence community, Iran's work on space launch vehicles could shorten the production time for intercontinental ballistic missiles, as both use identical technologies.

Iran's nuclear ambitions

In 2015, as part of the deal, Iran limited its nuclear program in exchange for a reduction in economic sanctions, but in 2018, then US President Donald Trump abandoned this step.

The West emphasizes that Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, although Tehran denies this. In November 2023, the media reported that Iran allegedly had sufficient uranium reserves to build three nuclear bombs.