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Iran needs two weeks to create nuclear weapons

Iran needs two weeks to create nuclear weapons Iran could develop nuclear weapons within two weeks (photo: Getty Images)

The Pentagon has stated that Iran has enough resources to create a nuclear device in less than two weeks, according to the annual report from the Department of Defense.

According to American military sources, if the Tehran regime decides it needs nuclear weapons, it would take them no more than two weeks to create a nuclear device.

"Based on current assessments, Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapons program in the near term; however, it has the capability to produce sufficient fissile material for a nuclear device in less than two weeks," the Pentagon states.

Furthermore, the United States believes that Iran is not complying with its obligations regarding chemical weapons control, as it has not provided a full declaration of chemical weapons production facilities as required by existing agreements.

Overall, the Pentagon is concerned that Iran is engaged in the development of nerve-agent capable offensive weapons.

Iran-Russia cooperation

The United States recently imposed sanctions on a transnational network that assists with drone production in Iran.

At the outset of Russia's full-scale invasion, Russia sought assistance from Iran in the supply of kamikaze drones of the Shahed type. Since then, Russia has regularly used these UAVs for attacks on Ukraine's military and civilian infrastructure. Consequently, numerous sanctions have been imposed on Iran.

In June, the coordinator of the U.S. National Security Council, John Kirby, stated that Iran was actively involved in the construction of a Shahed production plant in Russia. It is expected to be completed by the end of next year.

U.S. intelligence has suggested that the construction of such a plant could have a significant impact on the course of the war in Ukraine.