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Iran could attack Israel within 24-48 hours, but plan not yet ready - WSJ

Iran could attack Israel within 24-48 hours, but plan not yet ready - WSJ Photo: Iran's plan to attack Israel is not yet ready (Getty Images)

Iran is preparing for an attack on Israel, which could occur within the next 24-48 hours. However, Tehran's attack plan is not yet ready, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The agency, citing its own sources, indicates that Israel is preparing for a direct attack by Iran either in the south or north. This could happen within the next one to two days.

However, a person familiar with Iran's leadership informed the WSJ that while attack plans are being discussed, a final decision has not yet been made.

Earlier this week, US intelligence reports indicated that an attack on Israeli assets by Iran or its proxies could be imminent. Still, the publication's source now suggests that the attack may be within Israel's borders.

A US official knowledgeable about the matter stated that American intelligence reports point to an Iranian strike within days, "possibly on Israeli territory."


On April 1st, following a missile strike on the Syrian capital Damascus, the Iranian consulate building was destroyed. At least seven Iranians were killed, including two generals.

Iran accused Israel of the attack and promised a "harsh" response. In turn, Israel warned Iran that if attacked from its territory, the country would retaliate. Tel Aviv noted that the IDF is on heightened alert.

Media reports suggest that Iran hinted to the US that Tehran would "controlled" attack Israel.