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IMF approves Ukraine program review, new tranche expected soon - Ukrainian PM

IMF approves Ukraine program review, new tranche expected soon - Ukrainian PM Photo: IMF Board approves fifth review of Ukraine's program (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The IMF Executive Board has approved the fifth review of the EFF program. This will allow Ukraine to receive a new tranche of over $1 billion soon, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

Shmyhal explained that the new tranche of approximately $1.1 billion will be directed toward covering essential non-military budget expenditures.

"During the review, the schedule for tranches in 2025 was also optimized, allowing us to attract more resources to the state budget. I thank the Fund for its consistent support of Ukraine's financial stability," the Prime Minister emphasized.

RBC-Ukraine reported today that the IMF Executive Board may approve another loan tranche to Ukraine amounting to $1.1 billion.

Additionally, the agreement between Ukraine and the IMF for the EFF program, totaling $15.6 billion, was approved in March 2023.

Under this program, five tranches have already been received, totaling approximately $7.6 billion, including $900 million in March and the latest tranche of $2.2 billion in July.

In 2024, Ukraine may receive two more tranches of $1.1 billion each (in October and December).