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IAEA reports explosions and shootings near Russian-occupied ZNPP

IAEA reports explosions and shootings near Russian-occupied ZNPP Photo: The IAEA has been recording explosions near ZNPP over the past week (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

IAEA experts have been recording explosions and Russian shootings near Zaporizhzhia NPP over the past week. They were heard at different distances from the plant.

“Over the past week, the IAEA experts have continued to hear explosions and gunfire at various distances from the site,” the statement says.

The observers inspected the repair work at the ZNPP site and also checked the availability of necessary spare parts for the plant.

The IAEA notes that in recent days, experts have observed the maintenance of components of the main electrical transformer of power unit No. 3, which were disassembled for maintenance.

There were also inspections of planned work in the reactor hall and an auxiliary building of Unit 6. At the same time, the IAEA emphasizes that during the visit to the turbine hall of Unit 6, the observers did not have access to its western part.

Situation at Zaporizhzhia NPP

Zaporizhzhia NPP is the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine and Europe and has been under Russian occupation since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Russian troops are using the plant for their purposes. They deploy military equipment and troops there. In addition, the Russians have mined the territory of ZNPP.

Earlier, Ukrainian intelligence warned that Russians could be preparing provocations at Zaporizhzhia NPP. It was also recorded that the Russian invaders were launching kamikaze drones over nuclear reactors.

The situation at Zaporizhzhia NPP is potentially dangerous, as it is often disconnected from the Ukrainian power grid. Energoatom emphasizes that if the generators at Zaporizhzhia NPP run out of fuel during a power outage, a disaster like the one in Fukushima, Japan, could occur.