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How to walk for weight loss: Coach's answer

How to walk for weight loss: Coach's answer Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Walking for weight loss is the most optimal way to burn calories because it's not exhausting, and you can burn as many calories in an hour as you would with strength training.

Coach and nutritionist Viktor Mandziak explained more about the tempo at which you need to walk to lose weight.

For an average person, walking at a speed of 4-5 km/h is the most economical, meaning it allows you to expend the least amount of calories over a certain distance. As you increase your walking speed, you'll burn more calories per meter traveled.

Mandziak explained that you need to walk quickly because it not only helps you burn more calories but also saves precious time.

The expert said that our body resists weight loss, increasing appetite, making us lazy about exercise, and slowing down metabolism.

"The body of someone losing weight makes muscle work more economical. Economical—what does that mean? It means your muscles will work the same as before but burn fewer calories. And while a fuel-efficient car is good, efficient physical work is good too," Mandziak wrote.

With slow walking, you will burn 26% fewer calories simply because your muscles have started working more economically. More vigorous walks will make your muscles more efficient by only 9%, the expert added.

"By walking at a brisk pace, you prevent the body from trying to conserve calories and force it to burn more. Brisk walking is the simplest and most effective way to expend calories without significant fatigue. But it must be brisk walking," the trainer concluded.