How to stay calm during stress: Doctor's advice

People often face stress, which leads to anxiety and worsened mental health.
A cardiac surgeon Jeremy London doctor shares his personal stress management method.
How to handle stressful situations
Certain moments in life can be stressful, triggering the body’s natural "fight or run" response. In such cases, it’s challenging to maintain steady breathing, a regular heart rate, and self-control.
A doctor shared what he does to stay calm during life's most intense moments. First and foremost, it’s important to be prepared for anything.
The doctor emphasized the importance of preparation, noting that before addressing a situation, he identifies three worst-case scenarios that could occur and plans how to handle each one.
He adds that even if you’re not performing high-stakes operations daily, it’s still valuable to learn skills for managing stress effectively.
"When I find myself in a stressful situation, I take a deep breath and assess the actual problem," he said.
He also recommends something that many find difficult: responding without emotion.
Recovering from stress can be achieved through activities like walking and meditation.
The cardiac surgeon concluded by stating that, while life is challenging and stress is unavoidable, such situations should be seen as opportunities, balanced with recovery moments.
What not to do when stressed
Avoid relying on sedatives
It’s important not to overuse strong sedatives, as there are safer ways to calm down without harming your health. Always consult a doctor before taking any medication.
Steer clear of alcohol
Aside from its general harmful effects on the body, alcohol also dulls reactions. It impairs your ability to think clearly and assess your actions and surroundings objectively.
Don’t overeat to cope with stress
Overeating can weaken the immune system, increasing vulnerability to illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.