How to properly introduce yourself to cat

Meeting a cat requires calmness and patience to make her feel safe. It is important to give the animal time to get used to the new environment and smells before approaching her.
Here is an explanation of how to properly meet a cat, as well as tips and guidelines.
Meeting a cat
To build a connection with a cat, it is important to understand her behavior and emotions. Cats are independent animals, but the right approach can help create a harmonious relationship with them. By following certain recommendations, you can better understand her needs and show that your intentions are friendly. Here are some key tips to help you communicate better with your feline friend:
Study your cat's body language. Pay attention to her behavior: a confident cat moves with her tail up and wide-open eyes. When she's relaxed, she may lie on her side or back with her ears up and whiskers spread. However, if you notice nervous behavior, such as an arched back and puffed-up fur, avoid trying to touch her - it's better to give her space.
Avoid direct eye contact. Cats see direct gazing as threatening, so it's important not to stare at them too directly. To show friendliness, try blinking slowly when the cat looks at you. This signals that you have no aggressive intentions and are open to interaction.
Understand your cat's personality. Every cat has its character: some are affectionate and crave attention, while others prefer solitude. Don’t force your cat to interact if she doesn't want to, as this can undermine trust. Even if your cat isn’t highly active, make sure she gets at least 5-10 minutes of physical activity daily to maintain her health.
Respect your cat's space. If your cat shows aggression (raised paws, pinned-back ears, bared teeth), it's best to leave her alone. Avoid physical contact when she shows signs of fear or aggression. Give her time to calm down before trying to establish contact again.
By following these tips, you will better understand your cat and build a harmonious relationship with her.
How to establish contact with a cat
Interacting with your cat can be a wonderful experience if you follow certain principles. Here are a few tips for successfully establishing contact with your cat:
Allow the cat to approach you. You should never pet a cat immediately without an invitation, as this can be seen as an intrusion into its personal space. Cats like to decide for themselves when they are ready for social interaction.
Let the cat invite you in. When a cat is ready to communicate, it will display certain behaviors, such as rubbing against you or holding its tail upright. This is a sign of its affection and willingness to engage.
Offer your hand for sniffing. If your cat comes closer to you, extend your hand so it can sniff it before you try to touch it.
Don't force interaction. Just sit in the room with the cat, and it will come to you when it's ready. Premature contact can cause stress and worsen your interaction.
Understand the cat's reaction to contact. Make sure your cat is relaxed and happy. Cats communicate their emotions through body language, so it’s important to pay attention to this. For example, a twitching tail may indicate discomfort, and you should stop.
Avoid petting the cat’s belly. Many cats do not like being touched on the belly. While some may tolerate it, it’s best to avoid touching this vulnerable area.
Brush the cat. Many cats enjoy being brushed, as it resembles gentle affection. Use the appropriate tool for your cat's fur type: a metal comb for short-haired cats, and a brush for long-haired cats to prevent tangles.
Check the skin while brushing. Look for any lumps, bruises, or scratches, especially if your cat goes outdoors. Also, watch for signs of fleas and ticks, which may be visible as bloody scabs.
By following these simple tips, you can successfully establish a connection with your cat and make your interactions more enjoyable.
During the writing of this article, the following sources were used: Wiki How and Catster.