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How to properly clean your hairbrush: Revealing unknown tips

How to properly clean your hairbrush: Revealing unknown tips How to properly care for a comb (photo: Freepik)

The strength, health, and beauty of your hair depend not only on your lifestyle or the quality of hair care products. Cleanliness of your favorite comb also plays a significant role. Stylist Eliz Gan reveals in the Telegram channel Pocket Stylist how to properly care for your comb.

Taking care of tour comb properly

Every girl desires to have healthy and beautiful hair that shines and delights its owner. However, to achieve this, it's essential to ensure that your comb is also in good condition. Often, we overlook the care of our comb, but it needs proper attention.

In reality, it also needs to be cleaned correctly to avoid damaging your locks, prevent them from getting tangled, and assist them in growing healthy and beautiful.

However, there are a few rules that will help you keep your favorite comb in good condition and contribute to the overall health and attractiveness of your hair.

How to properly clean your hairbrush: Revealing unknown tipsHow to properly care for a comb (photo: Freepik)

How to keep your comb in good condition

  • Remove any hair residues trapped between the teeth of the comb.
  • Place the comb in warm water with a mild cleaning agent, such as shampoo.
  • Rinse it under running water and apply the cleaning agent to the teeth of the comb.
  • Use a soft or toothbrush to thoroughly clean each tooth and surface.
  • Rinse it again under running water, ensuring all cleaning agents are removed.
  • Dry the comb with a towel and leave it for complete drying.
  • It should be completely dry before you use it again.

By following these simple rules, you'll be able to properly care for your comb and maintain the beauty of your hair. Paying attention to small details like the cleanliness of your comb, the material it's made of, and its functionality is crucial.

Also read our article about 5 rules that will help you let go of long hair.

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