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How to prepare for a successful job interview

How to prepare for a successful job interview How to prepare for an interview (photo: Freepik)

The interview with the employer is a key stage in employment. Even if you have the perfect resume, it's crucial to prepare for the conversation with a potential manager to make a good impression and land the desired job. Here are tips on how to prepare for the interview from Universe apps on Instagram.

Take care of the location

If the conversation is going to happen over the phone or via video call, make sure that nothing distracts you at the scheduled time. Be in a comfortable and quiet place. Background noise from cars on the street or children's cries will prevent you from focusing on the conversation, and unnecessary sounds can annoy your interviewer.

Prepare information about yourself

At home, prepare information about yourself to briefly describe your experience and explain why you are currently looking for work. After that, the recruiter will ask more specific questions. Try to focus not on the tasks you faced, but on the results of your previous work.

Research the company

Before the conversation with a potential employer, search for information about the company, check its social media pages, and read materials about it in the media. To stand out from other job seekers, it's enough to be more familiar with the activities of this organization.

Prepare questions for the recruiter

If during the conversation you were not told about the team, tasks, and project plans, you should ask about them. Questions about further stages and their timelines will also be relevant.

Be concise

Usually, the initial interview lasts for 30 minutes, so it's not worth delving into all the details and prolonging the conversation. Ask the questions that are relevant specifically to the employer. If you couldn't find out everything, send a text message or take notes for the next stage of the interview.