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How many 'Wagnerites' left in Belarus: National Resistance Center reveals number

How many 'Wagnerites' left in Belarus: National Resistance Center reveals number Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

In Belarus, there are currently fewer than a thousand fighters from the private military company Wagner, according to the National Resistance Center.

"According to information from the local underground, there are less than 1000 Wagner terrorists left in Belarus," the statement reads.

However, the Center clarifies that 200 of them remain as instructors in the special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of Belarus.

The rest are individuals who are not wanted by either new private military companies or the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the article adds.

"Wagnerites" in Belarus

Fighters from the private military company Wagner, who had participated in the war against Ukraine, relocated to Belarus after an unsuccessful attempt at a coup in Russia.

Several months later, a plane in Russia, on board of which was the founder of the PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, crashed. Against this backdrop, the number of mercenaries in Belarus began to decrease.

As previously explained by the National Resistance Center, the departure of "Wagnerites" from Belarus was linked to the lack of funding from Russia.