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How dangerous is total solar eclipse for people: What to expect on April 8

How dangerous is total solar eclipse for people: What to expect on April 8 How a total solar eclipse affects people's health and psyche (photo: Freepik)

On April 8, a solar eclipse will take place, which has an impact on our psyche, BBC reports.

How a solar eclipse affects the human psyche

The upcoming April eclipse deserves special attention because it will be viewed over a very large area by about 31 million people, and it is hard to imagine how many people will be engaged in the same thing around the world.

According to recent studies, a total solar eclipse can have a strong impact on the human psyche, including a sense of awe, humility, and unity with other people. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is up to each individual to decide for themselves based on their feelings.

As intriguing as scientific experiments can be, they don't necessarily reflect people's spontaneous reactions to natural phenomena outside the laboratory, a concern that worried Sean Goldie when he began his doctoral work on human response.

"People may become more friendly as they begin to feel closer social ties to other people and to their community," says scientist Sean Goldie.

How dangerous is total solar eclipse for people: What to expect on April 8

How a total solar eclipse affects people's health and psyche (photo: Freepik)

According to Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of Berkeley, a solar eclipse can calm the "inner critic" and encourage people to open up to the universe, to allow their minds to see the pattern of life and the magic that can happen to us.

At the same time, as Goldie emphasizes, the effects of the positive impact were relatively short-lived - about 24 hours.

It's also a good way for scientists to study people's reactions, and it can show the rate of posting photos and videos during a solar eclipse.

So, in essence, it doesn't bring anything bad, but it allows you to experience something new and helps scientists do new research.

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