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Hamas launches missiles at Israeli Ashkelon (video)

Hamas launches missiles at Israeli Ashkelon (video) Hamas launches missiles at Israeli Ashkelon (Getty Images)

Hamas terrorists launched a batch of missiles at the Israeli southern coastal city of Ashkelon, according to The Times of Israel.

Sirens are sounding in Ashkelon and other nearby towns.

Earlier, the terrorist group warned that they would shell Ashkelon at 5 p.m. in response to Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

The Israel war

On October 7, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Initially, they managed to capture a number of towns, but by evening, Israeli forces regained control of most of the territory and struck military targets and Hamas headquarters in response. Later on, Israel regained control of all areas, but there may still be Hamas fighters on the ground.

Israel declared a state of war and initiated the counter-terrorism Operation Iron Swords.

In the first two days following the start of the war, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) targeted thousands of facilities in the Gaza Strip. However, the Israeli military command notes that this was just the beginning, as the IDF intends to eliminate Hamas.