ua en ru

Guerrillas poisoned occupants in local cafe in Melitopol: Russian FSB officers' deaths reported

Guerrillas poisoned occupants in local cafe in Melitopol: Russian FSB officers' deaths reported Guerrillas poisoned Russian occupants in local cafe in Melitopol (Photo:

In the occupied Melitopol of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukrainian partisans poisoned the occupiers with rat poison, according to the preliminary information, eliminating a group of Russian FSB employees, reported the mayor of the city, Ivan Fedorov.

According to the mayor, activists of the Ukrainian resistance learned that the Russians ordered food and alcohol at one of the local cafes, after which they seasoned everything with rat poison.

"There is another batch of eliminated enemies, about which even enemy Telegram channels write. Our partisans ordered food at one of the local cafes, and after the Russian occupiers managed to taste it, all of them got poisoned. Some of them died and definitely won't be able to fight against our state," Fedorov noted.

However, Russian media sources report that the food with rat poison was received by employees of the Russian FSB service.

As a result, at least three of them died, and another one (an officer) is in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

Currently, the occupiers are trying to find the courier who delivered the poisoned dinner to them, but all search efforts have been in vain so far.

"Hunt" for partisans in Melitopol

Recently, Russian occupiers have intensified the search for partisans in the occupied city, which Russia captured in the early days of the invasion in February 2022.

Occupiers have started installing surveillance cameras throughout the city, and they continue to kidnap civilians in search of "terrorists" and partisans. In addition, recently, the Russian FSB brought in professional "mole" units to Melitopol. They will assist in the "hunt" for patriots and partisans.