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Germany is ready to be main pillar of deterring Russian aggression in Europe - Pistorius

Germany is ready to be main pillar of deterring Russian aggression in Europe - Pistorius Boris Pistorius, Head of the German Ministry of Defense (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

For the Russian Federation, the full-scale war in Ukraine is just the beginning. Democracy and independence are the main enemies of dictator Vladimir Putin, according to German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius during a speech in Vilnius.

"For Russia, Ukraine is only the beginning. Russia is trying to undermine our unity, the European Union, and NATO through hybrid methods. The real enemy of Putin is our free and independent democratic way of life," said the head of the ministry.

The minister added that in 2014 after Russia invaded Crimea, other countries "instead of reacting to this call, hit the 'snooze' button."

Pistorius also confirmed Germany's plans to deploy a full brigade in Lithuania by 2027, with soldiers expected to be sent as early as this year.

"We recognize our responsibility as a central logistics hub in Europe, ensuring that troops can quickly move from the Atlantic to the eastern flank if necessary... Over 35,000 German troops, 200 aircraft, two frigates, and additional forces can be put on operational readiness by 2025," he said.

Risk of war between Russia and NATO

The German Bild published a scenario of military exercises last winter, in which the German armed forces prepare for possible hybrid attacks from Russia on NATO's eastern flank. A NATO representative commented on this information, noting that the training scenarios are fictional situations created to assess military capabilities in specific regions.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense also expressed its position, stating that there is currently no threat from Russia to NATO, as Moscow is focused on the war in Ukraine.

Additionally, the newly elected president of Finland recently said that a Russian attack on his country, which has become a NATO member, appears unlikely.