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German sentenced to death in Belarus

German sentenced to death in Belarus Illustrative photo: A German man was sentenced to death in Belarus (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

A court in Belarus sentenced German citizen Rico Krieger to death. He is accused of terrorism, according to the Belarusian Hajun X account.

According to the monitoring channel, the Minsk Regional Court passed a sentence on Krieger in late June.

У Білорусі німця засудили до страти, - "Гаюн"

Photo: Rico Krieger (

A German citizen was accused of: “illegal actions in relation to firearms”, “disabling public transport or communication routes”, “establishment or participation in an “extremist” formation”, “agent activity”, “mercenarism” and “act of terrorism”.

Hajun reports that the man has a minor child in Germany.

It is not yet known whether the verdict has been appealed or whether it has taken legal effect.

Death penalty in Belarus

Belarus remains the only country in Europe where the death penalty is still in effect. Individuals can be sentenced to death for terrorism or treason. In the country, the death penalty is carried out by shooting.

In particular, in 2022 it was revealed that three citizens in Belarus faced the death penalty for setting fire to a relay cabinet in an attempt to disrupt the supply of Russian forces by rail after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.