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German authorities foil planned terror attack by 2 teenagers, 1 Russian national: Bild reports

German authorities foil planned terror attack by 2 teenagers, 1 Russian national: Bild reports Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

German police arrested two teenagers aged 15 and 16 who were planning a terrorist attack. One of them turned out to be a Russian, reports Bild.

Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany received information about a Telegram user who might have been supporting the terrorist organization Islamic State. The individual posted a video on social media calling for a holy war against the West and announcing a terrorist attack.

According to Bild, the suspect is a 15-year-old named Edris D., residing in the German city of Burscheid and having relatives from Afghanistan.

According to investigators, the 15-year-old teenager has close contact with a 16-year-old Russian citizen named Rasul M., residing in Wiesbaden. He is a supporter of the Islamic State and is known to the police for spreading terrorist propaganda.

Bild reports that Rasul M. intended to visit his companion on December 1 to organize an attack in Cologne using homemade incendiary devices or a small truck.

Earlier it became known that a man in Germany intended to use a truck to run over participants in a pro-Israel rally. He was apprehended.