Gastroenterologists named 5 worst foods for digestion

To keep your gastrointestinal tract healthy, you should reconsider your diet. It turns out that some popular dishes can significantly harm the digestive system, even if they seem completely safe, reports Huffpost.
Protein bars
Gastroenterologist Harmony Allison said that she never eats highly processed foods. In particular, super-processed protein bars can lead to bloating.
"I never eat protein bars. They are usually highly processed and contain a lot of additives whose usefulness is unknown," she said.
You can get the same amount of protein in a cup of milk, a serving of peanut butter, nuts, or pumpkin seeds.
Dr. Rezvana Chowdhury avoids red meat, especially steaks and hamburgers. That's because red and processed meat increases the risk of colon cancer and polyps.
Red meat is high in saturated fat, but if you're going to consume it, the amount is important. The risk of colon cancer is higher for those who consume more than 100 grams per day.
Fried fish or chicken
Fish fillets and chicken nuggets are very tasty, but they do not bring any benefits to gut health.
Studies have shown that frying oil can negatively affect the intestinal microbiome, which leads to exacerbation of atherosclerosis (accumulation of fat and other substances on the walls of arteries).
In the long run, this accumulation can lead to consequences such as heart attack and stroke.
If you regularly consume soda or any other type of sugary drink, it's time to give up this habit. Cand drinks are linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
In addition, such beverages are often associated with triggering gastrointestinal symptoms of bloating, belching, and reflux, especially when consumed in carbonated caffeinated forms.
White bread
According to gastroenterologist Shilpa Grover, refined grains are not very good for the gut.
Studies that evaluated dietary patterns have clearly shown that high intake of red and processed meats and refined grains is associated with an increased risk of inflammation in the digestive tract called diverticulitis.
White bread is made from refined flour, which is devoid of most of the beneficial components such as fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Fiber helps maintain normal bowel function, promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.
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