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Gas pipeline hit and 6 injured in Kharkiv night shelling

Gas pipeline hit and 6 injured in Kharkiv night shelling Photo: Kharkiv City Hall clarified the consequences of an enemy air attack at night (Getty Images)

Two strikes were recorded in Kharkiv last night as a result of an enemy air attack. The strikes by Russian forces caused a fire on a gas pipeline, and the number of injured in the city has risen to six, according to a statement from Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and the spokesperson for the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, Dmytro Chubenko.

The Kharkiv City Council provided an update this morning on the consequences of the Russian strikes on the city during the night of August 25.

"Unfortunately, Kharkiv is under fire again. There were two strikes," said the mayor.

According to him, the first strike occurred in the Slobidskyi district, where more than ten private houses were damaged, and two of them were completely destroyed.

Terekhov reported that in this area of Kharkiv, six people sustained injuries of varying severity. Earlier, there had been reports of only two injured.

As for the second strike, it hit a gas pipeline, resulting in a fire that firefighters have now managed to contain.

All emergency services are working at the sites, the mayor added.

Night shelling of Kharkiv and the region

It was earlier reported that after 4 a.m., a powerful explosion was heard in Kharkiv during an air raid alert due to an enemy airstrike, presumably using Kh-59/69 missiles.

Additionally, a strike on Chuhuiv was reported. In this city, among the injured was a 4-year-old child who had an acute stress reaction, but no hospitalization was required.

The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration stated that the Russians struck a residential area. He added that two other women also received assistance on-site.