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G7 countries explore nuclear risks from unstable Putin regime

G7 countries explore nuclear risks from unstable Putin regime G7 countries discussed possible negative outcomes from the destabilising situation in Russia (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Countries of the "Group of Seven" and their allies have discussed potential scenarios of destabilising situation in Russia, including the threat to its nuclear stockpiles, according to the Financial Times.

Talks led by G7 members have included how a weakening of Vladimir Putin’s control over security and military forces could affect Russia’s stability.

Diplomats said alarm over possible negative outcomes from the rebellion against Putin’s regime laid bare the lack of consensus in the west on the ultimate goal of backing Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression.

Some western nations, including G7 members, discussed the need for Ukraine not to take advantage of the current situation by, for example, launching attacks on Russian territory with the aim of increasing instability.

Discussions between G7 officials over the weekend included the potential prospect of Wagner PMC militants obtaining control of nuclear weapons.

World's response to Prigozhin's mutiny

Most countries have responded cautiously to Prigozhin's mutiny, fearing destabilisation within Russia and considering it as Russia's internal matter.

US President Joe Biden commented on the revolt led by Wagner PMC founder Yevgeny Prigozhin, emphasizing that the United States and its allies are not involved in it.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that the revolt by Wagner PMC leader reflects internal divisions and unease within Russia.

A number of Western countries engaged with Ukrainian officials at various levels and advised against exploiting the chaos in Russia to launch attacks against their country.