From spiders to money: 9 most unusual things that fell from sky

It usually rains, snows, or hails from the sky, but sometimes nature has surprises. In different parts of the world, strange things have fallen from the sky that can usually only be found on the ground. What exactly can fall on you from the sky one day?
Cases of "rain" from spiders have been recorded many times. In 2013, residents of the Brazilian city of Santo Antônio da Plataina witnessed hundreds of spiders flooding the air. A similar incident occurred in Australia in 2015 when a light wind lifted spiders into the air along with their webs.
This phenomenon is explained by the migration of spiders that use the wind to move. Visually, it looks as if a living spider web is falling from the sky.
Blood rain
In 2008, in the Colombian city of La Sierra Choco, it rained red. At first, residents could not believe what they were seeing until laboratory tests confirmed that the liquid contained traces of real blood.
The source of this anomaly remained unknown, leading to a wave of mystical theories. Some locals considered it a sign from above. However, scientists speculate that the red color may have been caused by a mixture of dust and algae kicked up by the hurricane.
Rain of frogs
The phenomenon of frog rain is recorded in different parts of the world. It occurs when a powerful tornado throws water and its inhabitants into the air. Hurricanes often suck small animals out of bodies of water and then "spit" them out over a long distance.
One of the most famous events was the case in Serbia when frogs literally fell on the city. Some of them survived and continued to jump through the streets, which scared the locals.
The rain of frogs often became the basis for legends (image: Wikipedia)
Meat rain
In 1876, in the city of Olympia Springs (USA), pieces of meat began to fall from the sky. Eyewitnesses described them as lamb or venison, which led to numerous speculations. The most likely explanation is that a flock of vultures flew over the city and released the remains of food from their stomachs.
Examination of the samples confirmed that the meat belonged to several species of animals. Although the phenomenon was explained by natural causes, it remained one of the most mysterious events of the time.
Cream from the sky
In 1969, residents of the town of Chester (USA) witnessed an unusual phenomenon: white foam, similar to cream, began to fall from the sky. It turned out that these were the products of the Border Company, which had released aerosolized cream into the air due to a technical malfunction.
The wind blew them over the city, creating the effect of milky rain. Although the situation was not dangerous, locals were shocked by what they saw. The plant quickly fixed the breakdown to avoid similar incidents in the future.
Golf balls
In 1969, after a storm in Florida (USA), many golf balls fell to the ground. It happened in the city of Punta Gorda, which is located near several golf clubs. Most likely, a tornado passed over the courses, lifting the balls into the air and then dropping them in a random place.
Similar situations with small objects have occurred before, but this was the largest. Witnesses joked that nature had decided to give them a free batch of balls."
A 19th-century painting depicting unusual objects that can fall from the sky (image: Wikipedia)
During a soccer training session in the UK in 2001, worms suddenly started falling on the field. The players were so shocked that the match had to be stopped.
A similar case was recorded in 2007 in the United States, where the worms were blown in by the wind during a thunderstorm. Scientists believe that strong gusts of wind lift worms from the ground or water and carry them over long distances. Although rare, such phenomena are well documented in different parts of the world.
Rain of money
In 1957, banknotes totaling about a thousand francs fell from the sky in the city of Bourges, France. People couldn't believe their eyes, but it soon became known that the money had been blown off the roof of a local bank by the wind.
A similar incident occurred in Chicago in 1975, when a strong gust of wind scattered paper dollars across the streets. Witnesses rushed to collect the unexpected "treasures," but the police quickly intervened. After such events, banks stepped up security at their premises to avoid losing money.
Cow from the sky
In 1997, a Japanese fishing vessel began to sink after hitting an unknown object. The rescued sailors claimed that a cow had fallen onto their vessel.
Later it turned out that the animal had been accidentally dropped from a Russian cargo plane carrying cattle. The crew could not hold the frightened cow, and it fell off the plane, causing a curious but dangerous incident. This story remains one of the strangest cases of objects falling from the sky.
19th-century drawing of a rain of fish (image: Wikipedia)
Read also, 8 facts about Greenland that make it a very special place.
Sources:, Listverse, Wikipedia.