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France deploys 7,000 troops amid heightened terrorist threat

France deploys 7,000 troops amid heightened terrorist threat In France, 7,000 troops deployed for street patrols (photo: GettyImages)

In France, 7,000 soldiers were deployed to the streets following the introduction of an elevated terrorism threat level. This measure was taken after an attack by a Russian-born individual on a teacher, according to Reuters.

In the office of French President Emmanuel Macron, it was announced that the military would patrol the streets at least until Monday evening, and possibly longer, depending on the security situation.

Additionally, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin reported that threats of alleged bombings at the Louvre, Palace of Versailles, and Lyon train station were not confirmed.

He emphasized that over the weekend, 3,500 police officers would be on duty to protect people at events and near Jewish sites.

Darmanin stated that since last Saturday, 189 anti-Semitic acts have been detected, and 65 arrests have been made. He also mentioned that several local HAMAS associations would be dissolved.

Terrorist attack in Arras

On October 13, a 20-year-old Chechen, originally from Russia, attacked a school in the city of Arras in northern France with a knife, killing a literature teacher and injuring two other people. He was apprehended by the police.

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into "murder in connection with a terrorist organization," "attempted murder in connection with a terrorist organization," and "association with criminals with the intent of preparing crimes against the people."

After this incident, France implemented a heightened terrorist threat level in the country.