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France and Poland are on same page in supporting Ukraine - Polish PM

France and Poland are on same page in supporting Ukraine - Polish PM Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

France and Poland are on the same page regarding the geopolitical situation and support for Ukraine, according to the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk.

"We want us to send a common signal that we are ready for solidarity in all the most difficult situations ... we are rebuilding the Weimar Triangle," he said.

The political cooperation platform, the Weimar Triangle, between Germany, France, and Poland was established in 1991.

Weimar Triangle

This is an informal international alliance between Germany, Poland, and France, established in 1991. The group holds numerous meetings of foreign ministers and heads of state. Ukraine-related issues are often discussed at summits.

Initiatives have been put forward at various times for Ukraine to join the respective union, thus transforming the "triangle" into a "quadrilateral."

It was previously reported that on February 12, the foreign ministers of Poland, Germany, and France, Radoslaw Sikorski, Annalena Baerbock, and Stephane Sejourne, would hold a meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the countries of the Weimar Triangle.