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Forget this cooking method: It can turn food into poison

Forget this cooking method: It can turn food into poison Baking in foil is very harmful (photo: Freepik)

Many people are used to using aluminum foil when cooking. It seems convenient because it allows you to preserve the juiciness of the food, protects it from burning, and distributes heat evenly.

Why can foil be harmful

Aluminum is a toxic metal that has a negative impact on the human body in large quantities. It is a component of many food packages, kitchenware, and medicines, but its amount is strictly controlled. However, when exposed to high temperatures, aluminum from foil can leach into food and then accumulate in the body.

The use of foil is especially dangerous when baking foods with acid or salt. For example, fish with lemon, meat in marinade, vegetables with vinegar - all this provokes an even higher level of aluminum release.

Health consequences of using foil

Accumulation of aluminum in the body can lead to serious illnesses, including

  • disorders of the nervous system (some studies link aluminum to Alzheimer's disease);
  • kidney problems, as aluminum has a toxic effect on their functioning;
  • bone deterioration due to calcium leaching;
  • negative impact on the digestive system and metabolism.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the permissible daily dose of aluminum for humans is no more than 40 mg per kilogram of weight. However, people who frequently cook in foil may exceed this limit several times over.

How to minimize the risks

  • Avoid baking food in foil, especially foods with lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and spices.
  • Use alternatives - heat-resistant dishes, glass and ceramic molds, and parchment paper.
  • If you do use foil, make sure that it does not come into direct contact with hot surfaces.
  • Don't store food in foil for a long time, especially hot or acidic foods.

You may be interested in 6 culinary mistakes that will make your dish hazardous to health.

Sources: the WHO website, the Instagram page of nutritionist mariya_prohealth, and other recommendations of nutritionists.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.