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'For Okhmatdyt': Ukrainian hackers attack network infrastructure of Russia

'For Okhmatdyt': Ukrainian hackers attack network infrastructure of Russia Photo: Ukrainian hackers attacked the network infrastructure of Russia (Getty Images)

Ukrainian hackers have carried out another cyber attack on Russian network infrastructure in response to Russia's missile strike on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv on July 8th.

According to RBC-Ukraine, as a result of the cyberattack, numerous servers were destroyed, there was a mass SMS campaign with the message "This is for Okhmatdyt!", network equipment was disabled, surveillance systems were incapacitated, and hundreds of terabytes of important data were erased.

This time, the targets of the cyberattack were the Regional Clinical Hospital RZHD Perm, FD-Telecom LLC, and VAPK LLC (a Volgograd agro-industrial company).

In the case of FD-Telecom LLC, the operation resulted in the destruction of 174 virtual and one physical server, the deletion of 51 terabytes of information, the destruction of surveillance systems, and direct financial losses amounting to 360 thousand rubles.

Simultaneously, the cyber strike on the Regional Clinical Hospital RZHD Perm resulted in the incapacitation of 70 personal computers belonging to doctors, the destruction of file repositories and corporate mail, 12 virtual servers, and three hypervisors. Network equipment such as switches, routers, and internal telephony were also disabled.

On the personal computers of the personnel at the targeted facilities, photos of the destruction and injured children from the terrorist missile attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv on July 8 appeared.

Additionally, at VAPK LLC, the cyberattack led to the encryption of two computers along with approximately 3 terabytes of data, including acts, bills, contracts, and accounting documents.

Other attacks by Ukrainian hackers

In June, Ukrainian hackers targeted several companies in Russia that support the war effort. Specifically, some of these companies assist occupying forces.

Earlier, sources from RBC-Ukraine reported that Ukrainian military intelligence attacked several major internet providers in Crimea.

Recently, it has also been revealed that Ukrainian intelligence hackers targeted servers of propaganda media outlets, telecommunications operators, and the registration and control system of the Crimean Bridge.

Additionally, Ukrainian hackers have destroyed servers of a company responsible for critical infrastructure in the Russian capital.