Fitness trainer explains whether you can gain weight from 'wrong' drinks

Body weight is influenced by the amount of physical activity and daily consumption of food and beverages. When forming a diet, it's essential to consider not only food but also beverages, as they also affect the body's condition and weight, according to fitness trainer Viktor Mandzyak.
The impact of consumed liquid on weight
"In St. Louis, USA, there is a massive arch, 192 meters tall. Every day, about 11,000 tourists marvel at its height. Interestingly, it is no less wide than it is tall. Its remarkable width - the same 192 meters - goes unnoticed. The point is that we perceive the length of the vertical and horizontal differently," writes Viktor.
Studies have shown that children, adults, and even professional bartenders underestimate the amount of liquid in wide containers by 18-37%.
Thus, we may mistakenly perceive the volume of liquid we have already consumed. In the long run, this can lead to excessive consumption of juice or carbonated drinks if you frequently drink them.
"In a glass of juice, there are 100 calories. If we make a mistake by 25%, we get an extra 25 calories. If twice a day - 50. Over the year, it's 18,250 extra calories. And considering that a kilogram of fat is 7,500 calories, a glass can cost us over 2.5 extra kilograms per year, and an increase in the waist by about 2-3 centimeters," explains the fitness trainer.
These calculations are quite basic, as it's challenging to account for compensation through increased metabolism due to overeating. Other individual factors can also influence this.
However, the essence is that in a wide glass, the volume of liquid seems smaller than it actually is, while in a long and thin glass, it appears the opposite.
In other words, beverages can impact our weight and even contribute to excess weight gain. However, once again, this is only the case when we consume a particular product excessively.
Earlier, we discussed when you should eat to lose weight.
Also, check out the "30-30-30" weight loss method that is gaining popularity worldwide.
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