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'Fishing' special operation: Russian insider sabotages Serpukhov ship

'Fishing' special operation: Russian insider sabotages Serpukhov ship Photo: A Freedom of Russia Legion soldier disable the Russian Serpukhov ship in April and took secret documents (

The "Fishing" special operation to disable the Russian missile carrier Serpukhov in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, in April was conducted by the Freedom of Russia Legion (FRL) in cooperation with the I Want to Live project. During this operation, a Russian managed to set fire to the ship and take secret documents with him.

It is known that at the beginning of April 2024, information appeared about an emergency on the small missile ship Serpukhov in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, which caused significant damage to the ship and it was sent to the docks for repairs. Today, Russian volunteers reported the real cause of the accident on the Russian Navy ship and revealed the details of the incident.

The emergency is the result of the special operation "Fishing," which was organized and conducted by the patriots of free Russia from the Freedom of Russia Legion and the I Want to Live project. It was Russian citizens who executed this daring and risky special operation, causing significant damage to the Russian Navy and humiliatingly showing the real state of affairs in the Russian army.

In 2023, a Russian (call sign "Goga"), an active opponent of the Putin regime, joined the resistance forces of the Legion. He contacted the FRL while being an active serviceman of the Baltic Fleet with access to state secrets. For a long time, risking his own life, he provided important information to the Legion. After his presence on the ship and further work for the benefit of the resistance forces became threatening, actions inside the ship were planned and carried out. As a result of the sabotage, it was possible to destroy the ship's premises from within and destroy the communication and automation systems.

After the Russian carried out the sabotage, he took secret documents and was safely extracted from Russian territory thanks to the professional work of the I Want to Live project specialists. Currently, the Russian citizen is in Ukraine and continues to fight against the Putin regime as part of the FRL.

There is confirmation that the ship suffered significant damage and requires long and costly repairs. Russian volunteers emphasize that the Serpukhov missile ship of Project 21631 Buyan-M is one of the most modern missile boats in the Russian fleet, launched in 2015. The missile cruiser can use Kalibr and Onyx missiles, and its removal from combat duty is extremely important for the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

"In general, the conducted operation is of great importance because, apart from disabling one of the most modern missile ships for a long time, the Putin regime suffered significant losses in the Baltic Fleet. This is an important confirmation that the fight against the Putin regime is unfolding throughout the vast country, and therefore the aggressor has to use more forces and means to protect its territories," stated the I Want to Live project.


On April 8, 2024, RBC-Ukraine sources in the special services reported that the Russian missile ship Serpukhov was burning in the Kaliningrad region. It was reported that the restoration of the ship's combat capability would take a long time. Additionally, Ukrainian intelligence reported that Russia wanted to transfer this ship to the Black Sea.

According to the intelligence representative Andrii Yusov, the fact that the ship burned means that the vessel remains afloat, but the modern technological equipment has been disabled, and it will take a long time to repair it.