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Fires occur in Mykolaiv region due to nighttime missile strike

Fires occur in Mykolaiv region due to nighttime missile strike The Regional Milirary Administartion reports on the missile strike and fires in the Mykolaiv region (photo: Getty Images)

Late yesterday evening, Russian forces launched a missile strike on the Bashtanka district in the Mykolaiv region. The attack resulted in fires, but there were no reported casualties, according to Vitalii Kim, the Head of the Mykolayiv Regional Military Administration.

The official noted that the Russian army used ballistic missiles for this attack.

"On the night of August 21, at 11:05 PM, the enemy struck the Bereznehuvate community with a ballistic missile, presumably an Iskander-M', he said in his Telegram post.

According to the head of the Regional Military Administration, the strike caused a fire at a farm, two residential buildings, and some bushes, which have since been extinguished by firefighters.

"Four people have been evacuated by the State Emergency Service units," the official added.

Shelling of the Mykolaiv region

Additionally, the Regional Military Administration reported that last evening, the Russian army targeted the Kutsurubska community in the Mykolaiv district using artillery.

There were no casualties as a result of this shelling, according to Kim.