Finland changes visa requirements

Finland has increased the daily financial requirement for travelers to €50 per day of travel. The country has also introduced obligations regarding the support of the Schengen visa zone regarding maintenance and accommodation, reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
The strengthened visa requirements came into effect in January of this year.
According to the Finnish Foreign Ministry's statement, for short-term stays, a traveler must now have €50 per day spent in Finland, instead of the previous €30.
"This financial requirement applies to visits of no more than 90 days," the statement said.
This new requirement is explained by the rising cost of living in Finland.
Additionally, starting from January 1, the country will apply Article 14.4 of the Visa Code of the European Union, which allows for obligations regarding maintenance and accommodation.
"With the introduction of the proof of sponsorship, the fact that a Finnish citizen or a person residing in Finland with a residence permit undertakes to finance the travel of the visa applicant may be taken into account in the visa consideration," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained.
The Finnish Ministry also added that the person inviting the traveler must "fill in a proof of sponsorship form to be attached to the visa application."
Residence permits for refugees from Ukraine
It was previously reported that in January of last year, the Finnish Immigration Service announced that all residence permits granted to Ukrainians for temporary protection would be automatically extended until March 4, 2024.
The authority also stated at that time that residence permit cards issued for temporary protection could be used to confirm the legal residence of Ukrainians in Finland and grant them the right to work.
Recall that at the end of December, Prime Minister of Finland Petteri Orpo announced new measures regarding the security of the country and its borders.