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Explosions heard again in center of occupied Sevastopol

Explosions heard again in center of occupied Sevastopol Explosions are heard again in the center of occupied Sevastopol (Photo: Getty Images)

In the center of temporarily occupied Sevastopol, which is currently under Russian control, reports of explosions are once again being announced for the third time today, according to "Crimea. Realities."

"Explosions are heard again in the center of Sevastopol," the statement says.

It is noted that the cause and consequences of the explosions are currently unknown.

Explosions in Sevastopol

In the temporarily occupied city of Sevastopol in Crimea, a series of explosions occurred today, November 21, around noon.

Citizens captured by Russian occupiers heard the first explosion in the central part of the city, which occurred around 12:15. After that, another explosion followed. Despite this, no air raid alert was declared in Sevastopol.

Although no alert was announced in the city, posts about "rocket danger in Crimea" appeared on Russian Telegram channels.

After these two explosions, there were additional explosions in Sevastopol. According to "Crimean Wind," there were at least five.

Official sources have not yet explained what might be associated with these explosions in Sevastopol. Representatives of the occupying "administration" also remain silent about the incident.