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EU transport ministers to discuss blockade of Ukraine-Poland border

EU transport ministers to discuss blockade of Ukraine-Poland border Photo: EU transport ministers will discuss the blockade of the border between Ukraine and Poland (

Ministers of transport from European Union countries will discuss the blockade of the Polish-Ukrainian border next week, reports RMF FM.

The protests by Polish carriers and the border blockade will be discussed within the framework of the EU Transport Council. It is scheduled for next Monday, December 4. The issue of the Polish-Ukrainian border is the last on the agenda.

"The issue of the protest by Polish carriers will be discussed at the end of the meeting of EU transport ministers next Monday," said an EU diplomat.

Poland raised the issue for discussion by EU ministers. Hungary and Slovakia also want to express their views.

"We expect that the delegations of these three countries will present the situation and inform the council about the impact of the EU agreement with Ukraine on transport," said one of the European diplomats.

It is assumed that the European Commission may also express its stance. However, a representative of the EC emphasized in a comment to the Polish publication that the return of permits for Ukrainian carriers cannot happen as it would violate EU law.

At the same time, the European Commission urges Ukraine to create additional lanes for empty trucks returning from Ukraine. The EC representative also emphasizes that Ukraine has made several improvements to the electronic queue system, but Poland continues to criticize it.

Blockade of the border by Polish carriers

Recall that since November 6, the movement of freight transport has been complicated at 4 border crossings on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

The cause of the queues at the border was the strikes by Polish carriers. On November 16, they rejected the joint proposals of the European Commission, Ukraine, and Poland and refused to end the strike. Their main demand is a return to the permit system for our country.

RBC-Ukraine visited the Ukrainian-Polish border, where queues of trucks over 20 km long have formed. More details can be found in our material.